Saturday, August 30, 2008
Subjectivity and geometrical abstraction
Explorations of subjectivity within the field of contemporary art can take many forms. Among the most promising at the moment are renderings of subjectivity that more or less incorporate the register of forms rooted in the archive of geometrical abstraction often associated with modernism. Now, that might sound a bit surprising. Usually we expect geometrical abstraction to go hand in hand with ideals such as rationality and objectivity. Nevertheless, geometrical arrangements of forms imputed with symbolic meanings focusing upon mental states and the lived subjects inner experiences are at least thinkable. Dense geometrical grids could for example refer to the subjects experiences of closings and, likewise, transparent geometrical structures could correlate to different states of openings. Just to say that it´s possible. Geometrical abstractions of subjectivity and the I´s mental acts are subjectivity dealt with in the geometrical manner. These subjective abstractions are perhaps the most interesting instances of More Geometrico around right now. And they are refreshingly new.