Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The 5th berlin biennial

Now that the 5th berlin biennial for contemporary art, When things cast no shadow, closed this weekend I think it´s time to notice that among the many interesting contributions to the biennial some of the works made by the female artists seemed to mark themselves as perhaps the most outstanding works shown at the biennial. The sculptures exhibited at the Neue Nationalgalerie by Goshka Macuga and Thea Djordjadze were definetly worth seeing with their neoconstructivist and/or neomodernist investigations of form while at the same time maintaining a narrative impulse. A somehow similar playing with constructivism and narration was also on view in Lili Reynaud-Dewar´s sculpture presented at the KW. These are three european female artists whose works are surely exciting to follow in the time to come.